Anesthesia Errors – Including Being Aware During Surgery
A young mother recently passed away as a result of medical malpractice on the part of her anesthesia team during a C-section. The anesthesiologist was supposed to administer the drug bupivacaine but grabbed an ampule of digoxin instead. Digoxin is used for patients experiencing a heart attack. The ampule was not scanned at any time during the surgery.
When the young woman said she was experiencing pain, another anesthesiologist picked up the same ampule and administered another dose – again, without scanning or looking closely to ensure it was the correct medication. Shortly after the baby was delivered, the mother experienced severe dizziness, left-side weakness, a terrible headache, and paralysis.
The young mother was transferred to intensive care, where she was declared brain dead. During a medication count in the operating room, a nurse noticed the misplaced digoxin and reported the medical error. Unfortunately, anesthesia errors are all too common and can cause long-lasting physical injury, emotional injury, and death. If you are the victim of an anesthesiology error, speaking to a Chicago, IL medical malpractice attorney can help ensure you receive justice.
How Common Are Anesthesia Errors?
A 2019 article reported that anesthesia errors are increasing, with two out of every 100 patients experiencing a preventable adverse event. Of these adverse events, 51 percent were judged to be "highly preventable." The same article referenced another study that found adverse events during anesthesia occurred in 16.6 percent of all hospital admissions, with 13.7 percent of these people experiencing a permanent disability.
Interestingly, anesthesiologists who made the most mistakes during surgical procedures were actually the less experienced ones. The conclusion from this is that the less experienced anesthesiologists were more aware of their inexperience potentially causing a mistake, so they were more likely to double-check themselves.
Experienced anesthesiologists were more likely to be arrogant about their experience and knowledge and less likely to double-check. While the field of anesthesiology is complex and the environment is stressful, the safe administration of anesthesia requires constant vigilance in checking the patient’s condition, along with the ability to quickly make decisions and take action in the event something goes wrong.
What Are the Most Common Anesthesia Errors?
The number one cause of anesthesia errors is lack of communication between the doctors, nurses, and the anesthesiologist. Other common anesthesia errors include:
- Administering the anesthesia too late for it to take effect
- Administering too much or too little anesthesia
- Keeping a patient under anesthesia for too long
- Failing to react quickly to adverse reactions to anesthesia
- Making intubation mistakes
- Administering the wrong medication
- Machine failure
- Turning off warning alarms on machinery
What Injuries Can Be Caused by Anesthesia Errors?
There are many different injuries resulting from anesthesia errors. Brain damage is one of the most common injuries that can result when the anesthesiologist fails to properly monitor the patient’s oxygen and heart rate, administers an overdose of anesthesia or is careless during intubation.
Other organs, like the heart and lungs, can also be damaged during anesthesia, and, in some cases, an anesthesia error can cause paralysis. Other injuries caused by anesthesia errors include nerve damage, anesthesia awareness, stroke, confusion, a perforated trachea, and loss of bodily function. The most severe errors can cause coma or death.
If You Remained Aware During the Surgery is This Considered Medical Malpractice?
Anesthesia awareness occurs when a patient remains conscious or wakes up during surgery during general anesthesia. It is relatively rare, occurring in about two out of every 1,000 cases. Those who experience anesthesia awareness report "pressure," pain, or hearing conversations during their procedure. If anesthesia awareness is due to insufficient anesthesia or administration of the wrong anesthesia, the patient can sue for medical malpractice.
Contact a Chicago, IL Medical Malpractice Lawyer
Being aware during a surgical procedure and possibly in pain or suffering any other anesthesia error injuries are cause for a medical malpractice lawsuit. It is important to have an extremely experienced Chicago, IL medical malpractice attorney by your side to ensure the best possible outcome that includes a full settlement that covers all your damages. Contact Winters Salzetta O'Brien & Richardson, LLC at 312-236-6324 to schedule your free consultation.