
Are Injury and Death Risks Increasing for Chicago Drivers?

 Posted on March 10, 2025 in Car Accidents

IL injury lawyerChicago favors public transportation, making it easy to forget how dangerous the roads can be for drivers. In fact, Chicago drivers typically spend more time in congested traffic and have more auto accidents than those in New York City, Los Angeles, and Detroit. In 2024, Chicago drivers lost an average of 102 hours to traffic - even more than the 96 hours in 2023 (the nationwide average is 43 hours lost to congested traffic).

Trips into downtown Chicago increased by 13 percent in 2024. While this is good news for tourism and the city, it is not good news for Chicago residents who must drive in the city and commute to and from the city. If you are the victim of a car accident caused by a negligent driver, a Chicago, IL car accident attorney can help you get the compensation you are entitled to for your damages.  

Why Are Car Accidents Increasing In Chicago?

Along with the fact that there are simply more cars on the roadways in and around Chicago, many people are continuing their pandemic-era speeding behaviors. During COVID-19, there were fewer cars on the road, causing many drivers to drive faster. Unfortunately, this behavior has persisted even though traffic levels in many areas have largely returned to pre-pandemic "normal." Excess speed increases both the severity of crashes and the likelihood of fatalities.

Distracted driving behaviors continue to increase, with more and more people talking on their phones, reading and sending texts, eating entire meals, fiddling with car controls and GPS devices, turning around to see what the kids and dogs are doing in the back seat, and even applying makeup as they barrel down the road at 60, 70, or even 80 mph.

Impaired driving continues to be a leading cause of fatal accidents across the nation and in Illinois and Chicago. In 2022, 13,524 people died in alcohol-impaired driving accidents. This means that one person dies every 39 minutes as a result of drunk or drugged drivers. Other common causes of severe auto accidents include poor road maintenance, inclement weather, road rage, aggressive drivers, and larger vehicles.  

In 2024, there were 112,032 auto accidents in Chicago, which ranked it third among major cities for the number of auto accidents. The largest number of accidents occurred in May, with the fewest in February. The most dangerous streets in the city - those that had the most auto accidents - included Ashland Avenue, Pulaski Road, Halstead Street, Cicero Avenue, and Western Avenue. 2024 set a new record for injuries sustained in Chicago accidents, with more than 2,200 more injuries than in 2023.

What Should You Do Following a Chicago Car Accident?

Remembering what you need to do after being involved in an auto accident can be difficult. Car accidents cause a spike in adrenaline for all those involved, which can mask symptoms of injury. You may think you are "fine," only to find out hours or days later that you have suffered severe injuries. If you are involved in an auto accident, you should:

  • Exchange information with the other driver.
  •  Call 911 and wait for the police and ambulance.
  • If you are able, take photos of the accident scene and the license plate of the other driver.
  • Have a doctor check you for injuries.
  • Jot down every detail about the accident you can remember.
  • Call your own insurance company.
  • Contact an experienced auto accident attorney.

What you should never do is say "I’m sorry" at the scene, talk to the other driver’s insurance company without first talking to your lawyer, or accept a quick settlement that will not begin to cover your injuries.

Contact a Chicago, IL Car Accident Lawyer

If you are the victim of an auto accident caused by another driver, it is important for you to speak to an experienced Chicago, IL auto accident attorney from Winters Salzetta O'Brien & Richardson, LLC as quickly as possible. Our firm will protect your rights and future while forcing the insurance company to pay you what your claim is worth. Call 312-236-6324 to schedule your free consultation.  

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