Can I Sue My Provider for Medical Complications Caused During an Abortion?
Having to decide whether or not to get an abortion is one of the toughest positions in which a woman can find herself. The emotional complexities of abortion are sometimes complicated by the fact that abortions do not always go according to plan. Sometimes women suffer serious and even fatal injuries due to medical malpractice on the part of their abortion provider.
If you have been injured during an abortion, an experienced Illinois medical malpractice attorney may be able to help. Seeking justice, protecting your rights, and pursuing compensation cannot undo the suffering you have experienced, but it can be a step on the road to emotional and physical recovery.
Medical Malpractice and Abortion
Medical malpractice occurs when a doctor or other medical professional causes a patient harm by failing to provide the appropriate standard of care. Unfortunately, sometimes women who seek abortions are the victims of negligence or incompetence from their abortion provider. Common types of abortion medical malpractice include:
Failure to inform - Medical providers must warn patients of risks involved with any medicine or procedure. Some women suffer from health conditions that elevate the risk of complications, and doctors must anticipate these risks and let patients know. If a patient is not fully aware of the potential risks, she cannot make an informed decision.
Failure to diagnose - Before performing an abortion, a doctor must make sure that a patient does not have any apparent health issues that could complicate the procedure. If a competent medical professional would have seen or learned about a patient’s condition, a doctor that fails to do so may have committed medical malpractice.
Inappropriate treatment - Doctors must exercise sound judgment and expertise when making medical decisions and failing to do so may lead to a patient receiving insufficient or even unnecessary treatments.
Premature discharge - Some women require extended supervision following an abortion, especially if it is a late-term procedure. Discharging a patient prematurely may lead to a failure to recognize and treat serious complications.
Common Abortion-Related Injuries
Although each woman’s situation is unique, there are several serious and sometimes life-threatening injuries that are common in improperly performed abortions. These include, but are not limited to:
Perforations or tears to the uterus
Injuries to nearby organs, such as the appendix or bladder
Blood clots and/or embolisms
Incomplete evacuation and subsequent delivery, causing emotional trauma
Get Help From a Chicago, IL Medical Malpractice Lawyer
Getting an abortion is one of the most difficult things a woman may ever do, but a doctor’s negligence during an abortion can turn a challenging situation into a nightmare. If you believe that you suffered injuries as a consequence of medical malpractice during an abortion, contact a Cook County medical malpractice attorney with Winters Salzetta O'Brien & Richardson, LLC. We offer free consultations so you can find out more about your options. Call us at 312-236-6324 today.