Causes and Early Signs of Breast Cancer
Every day, thousands of women across the United States are diagnosed with breast cancer for the first time. One of the most common and well-understood types of cancer, breast cancer is a type of cancer that forms in the cells of breast tissue of both men and women, although it is seen far more frequently in women.
If you have received a breast cancer diagnosis, you likely already know that a large team of medical staff is going to help you throughout your treatment and recovery. Each part of your Chicago cancer treatment team, whether doctors, nurses, oncologists, or radiologists, are responsible for providing treatment according to the established standard of care.
Unfortunately, this does not always happen successfully. Breast cancers are often misdiagnosed, mistreated, or missed altogether. To optimally treat breast cancer, it must be caught as early as possible and the patient given an effective testing and treatment regimen. Understanding how and when breast cancer diagnosis and treatment may involve medical malpractice is important for ensuring you get the best quality treatment available.
How Does Breast Cancer Form?
Fundamentally, all cancers form when the DNA of cells mutates in a way that causes a cell to stop functioning normally. Cancerous cells may grow and divide too fast, or fail to stop growth when appropriate. Cancerous mutations may happen because they are passed down genetically, because of something a woman is exposed to (like secondhand smoke or radiation), or for other reasons scientists still do not fully understand.
What Are Early Signs of Breast Cancer?
Breast cancer is often first detected when a woman feels a change in her breast tissue. This may feel like a lump, bump, or tissue that is unusually thicker than the tissue around it. A woman’s breast shape or size may change, as may the appearance or shape of the nipple or the skin on the breast.
Early detection of breast cancer is critical for effective treatment. When potentially cancerous breast tissue is detected in a mammogram or physical examination, a biopsy is usually taken to see if the cells are cancerous. Doctors must be alert and careful to ensure that the biopsy is taken in the correct place, that the proper tests are ordered, and that the test results are read correctly. Failing to diagnose breast cancer allows the cancer to develop, making it much harder to treat.
Call a Chicago, IL Breast Cancer Misdiagnosis Lawyer
Being diagnosed with breast cancer can be a confusing and frightening experience. At Winters Salzetta O'Brien & Richardson, LLC, our compassionate Chicago breast cancer misdiagnosis attorneys believe that the more information you have, the better equipped you are to make smart decisions. In that spirit, we work hard to help our clients and advocate passionately on their behalf. To learn more about us and how we may be able to help, call us today to schedule a free consultation at 312-236-6324.