Common Causes of Car Crashes in Chicago
Every 12 minutes, someone dies from a car crash in the United States. The motor vehicle fatality rate in the United States is 2.3 times higher than the rate in similar high-income countries.
While many of us are aware of how common crashes are, we may not know the reasons behind the number of crashes. If you or a loved one have been in a car crash, our Chicago car accident lawyers are here to offer you legal guidance.
Distracted Driving
Whether a driver is checking his or her phone, applying make-up, or changing the radio station, anything that takes your attention away from the road makes you a liability.
In 2021, distracted driving cost the lives of over 3,500 people. Driving distractions come in three primary forms: visual, cognitive, and manual.
Some distractions use more than one of your senses. For instance, looking at your cell phone encompasses all three: you are looking at your phone instead of the road (visual), your hands are on your phone instead of the steering wheel (manual), and your mind is off driving (cognitive).
Speeding kills over 12,000 people each year. Whether it be making up time due to sitting in traffic, running late, or a disregard for the law, speeding is a contributing factor in more than one-third of traffic deaths.
Those who speed endanger their own lives and all road users. When a person speeds, the individual has a greater chance of losing control of the vehicle. Speeding also results in longer stopping distances. In heavy traffic, a vehicle operator may not have the space to come to a complete stop, resulting in a rear-end collision.
Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol
In 2022, 20% of drivers admitted to drinking and driving at least one time. If you are driving with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08% or more, you are driving illegally. Alcohol impairment contributes to 29% of all traffic fatalities.
If you are driving impaired, your ability to make informed decisions is impacted. Besides experiencing a cognitive deficiency, inebriated drivers have slower reflexes, which puts them at a higher risk of being in an accident when fractions of a second matter.
Those who drink and drive are responsible for the deaths of many innocent drivers, with over 13,000 people dying as a result of an intoxicated driver.
Drowsy Driving
We don’t realize how dangerous it is to drive while fatigued. With such an emphasis on work and completing chores, it seems like there are never enough hours in the day. Americans are now choosing to take jobs with longer commutes in exchange for better pay.
As a society, we sacrifice getting sufficient rest, with devastating results. In a recent year, 91,000 crashes reported by police officers involved drowsy drivers. If you are seriously sleep-deprived and fall asleep for only four or five seconds, that is enough time to cause an accident.
Road Rage
Sometimes called aggressive driving, road rage can come in many forms. Some motorists exhibit this behavior by speeding, tailgating, or driving too fast, given weather conditions. Aggressive drivers will even resort to honking their horns or flashing the car’s headlights to get slow drivers out of their way.
In a city as busy as Chicago, road rage is bound to happen. Road rage is responsible for 56% of fatal crashes. It intimidates other drivers and puts everyone in significant danger.
If you were in a car crash, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries, vehicle damage, and other losses. Regardless of who was at fault, you need a Chicago car accident lawyer to review your case.
A Chicago, IL, Car Accident Lawyer Advocating for You
Although a car crash takes place in an instant, your life may be impacted for months or even years. If you have been involved in a car crash, you need experience you can count on to receive the compensation you deserve. Contact a Chicago, IL, car accident attorney from Winters Salzetta O'Brien & Richardson, LLC today to schedule your free consultation.