Do Inadequate Nursing Home Meals Constitute Neglect?
If you have a loved one in a nursing home facility, you will want to ensure they are being adequately provided for and that all of their daily needs are met. Unfortunately, nursing home negligence and abuse can be common, and you might notice that your loved one is not receiving proper care, including appropriate meals. In extreme cases, this may lead to injuries or wrongful death.
An Illinois nursing home abuse and neglect lawyer can help you explore your options if you suspect a nursing home is mistreating your loved one.
Important Signs of Nursing Home Neglect
Nursing home neglect can be hard to miss at first, as you may not see your loved one in their facility every single day. However, it is essential to keep an eye out for indicators of nursing home neglect that may signal your loved one is not being adequately cared for.
Signs of nursing home neglect include:
- Bruises, cuts, or other minor injuries suddenly appear on your loved one without an explanation.
- Weight gain or weight loss, especially if it is rapid or your loved one states they are not getting proper meals.
- Signs of dehydration or malnutrition, such as confusion and illness.
- Bed sores, signs of infection, or a lack of bathing for your loved one.
If you notice signs of neglect occurring in a nursing home, staff may be unresponsive, evasive, or defensive when you try to gain more information. Depending on their condition, it can also be hard to get details from your loved one, so gathering evidence and contacting a lawyer as soon as possible is essential.
Who Is at Fault for Nursing Home Neglect?
In nursing home neglect cases, the staff and facility are typically at fault. Failure to provide care either willfully or due to neglect can lead to serious issues, and these issues may result in illness, injuries, or wrongful death.
The Illinois Nursing Home Care Act provides additional information about the definition of neglect in a nursing home and what may constitute neglect. You can consult this and your lawyer for questions about nursing home neglect.
Contact a Chicago, IL Nursing Home Neglect Lawyer
Nursing home neglect cases are difficult to pursue, as you will need to prove that negligence or willful actions led to the injuries, illness, or wrongful death of your loved one. By contacting a seasoned Chicago, IL nursing home neglect attorney, you can explore your next steps and pursue a legal claim against a nursing home facility. Call Winters Salzetta O'Brien & Richardson, LLC at 312-236-6324 to request a free consultation.