My Illinois Supervisor is Sexually Harassing Me. Can I Do Anything?
Sexual harassment in a Chicago workplace is never excusable - and in 2022, nobody can say that they have not received training or adequate information about what constitutes sexual harassment. Yet this terrible behavior continues to happen all the time and the most common victims of sexual harassment are women, ethnic minorities, and other vulnerable populations.
In addition to being an unacceptable way to treat another human being, sexual harassment is illegal. If you are a victim of sexual harassment, you have options to stop the harassment and possibly even pursue a lawsuit against the perpetrator. You do not have to take action alone; consider speaking with an experienced Illinois sexual harassment attorney.
Is “Joking” an Excuse for Sexual Harassment?
While some people may want to engage in flirtatious innuendo at work, people often engage in sexual harassment and later fall back on the excuse that it was “just a joke.” Whether the perpetrator claims it is a joke or not, sexual harassment occurs when someone makes unwanted sexual advances, asks for sexual favors, or engages in other unwanted physical or verbal conduct of a sexual nature. When someone rejects or submits to sexual harassment because of the fear that doing otherwise could lead to a negative employment outcome or hostile work environment, the sexual harassment is against the law.
What Can I Do if I Am Being Sexually Harassed at Work?
One of the most challenging parts of litigating sexual harassment is that it often comes down to a he-said/she-said situation. Collecting evidence is, therefore, extremely important. Documenting the behavior immediately after it takes place, including who did what, what was said, and what your response was, can help corroborate your claims. Likewise, anyone who overheard a harassing conversation can back up your version of events.
You should also make it clear to the person harassing you that you want it to stop. You may want to do this in an email or other verifiable form of communication so the perpetrator cannot deny they knew you were upset by their behavior. If they do not stop, file a complaint with your employer. Employers are responsible for harassment conducted by supervisors and are required to take action to stop the sexual harassment. Employers may be liable for the behavior if they know about it and it continues, even if it is not a supervisor committing the harassment.
Schedule a Free Consultation with a Chicago Sexual Harassment Lawyer
Sexual harassment is a humiliating experience that has the potential to derail the careers of even the most successful, resilient people. If you are experiencing sexual harassment at your workplace, take action now and schedule a free case review with an aggressive Chicago sexual harassment attorney at Winters Salzetta O'Brien & Richardson, LLC. We will explore all options to help you determine whether you have a case for a lawsuit. Call us today at 312-236-6324.