Signs of Nursing Home Abuse That Families Should Be Aware of
For many elderly people, nursing homes provide the best solution to ensure that they will receive the medical care and assistance they need. When placing a loved one in a nursing home, a family should have the assurance that the person’s needs will be met and that they will be safe from harm. Unfortunately, some nursing homes do not live up to these expectations, and patients may suffer serious physical and emotional injuries because of abuse by staff members or other residents. Families who are concerned about the possibility of nursing home abuse will want to understand the signs that may indicate that their loved one has been the victim of these types of harmful behavior.
Signs of Physical, Verbal, or Sexual Abuse
Physical abuse of nursing home residents can take many forms. Staff members may strike or shove a resident they believe is uncooperative or difficult or even restrain a resident to a bed or chair. Signs that a person has suffered physical abuse include serious injuries such as broken bones or brain trauma, as well as unexplained bruises, cuts, or scratches. Rope marks on a person’s wrists or ankles may indicate that they have been improperly restrained, or bedsores or hygiene issues may show that they have been confined to a bed or chair or restricted from moving about freely.
While verbal and emotional abuse may not be as obvious as physical abuse, these forms of abuse can also be very harmful. Staff members may yell at, berate, or threaten a person or isolate them socially, disallowing them from interacting with others or participating in gatherings and activities. Signs of emotional abuse include agitation, anxiety, depression, social withdrawal, or other unexplained changes in a person’s behavior. A victim may also lack interest in activities they had previously enjoyed, act fearful around certain staff members, or experience suicidal thoughts.
Sexual abuse is another all-too-common issue that affects nursing home residents. People who suffer from Alzheimer’s disease or dementia are especially susceptible to this form of abuse, since an abuser may believe that a victim will be unable to tell others about the abuse. Signs of sexual abuse include unexplained sexually transmitted diseases or other infections in the genital area, as well as bruising or bleeding in the genitals or tears and stains in undergarments or other clothing.
Contact a Chicago Nursing Home Abuse Attorney
If you believe that your loved one has suffered abuse while residing at a nursing home, Winters Salzetta O’Brien & Richardson, LLC can help you determine your legal options. We will work to gather evidence of wrongdoing by a nursing home and its staff, and we will help you take legal action to hold the nursing home accountable for the harm done to your loved one and your family. Contact our Chicago, IL nursing home injury lawyers at 312-236-6324 to arrange a free consultation today.