What Are the Most Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents?
As warmer weather arrives in Illinois during the spring and summer, many motorcyclists are looking to hit the road. After spending most of the last year indoors due to the COVID-19 pandemic, cyclists will be glad to be back on the open road. However, many other drivers will also be spending more time on the road, which may increase the likelihood of dangerous motorcycle accidents. Cyclists who are injured in a collision will want to understand who was at fault and determine how they can pursue financial compensation for their injuries and damages.
Driver Negligence Leading to Motorcycle Accidents
Motorcyclists are much more likely to be injured in a collision than people in passenger vehicles. While cars and trucks include seat belts, airbags, and other safety systems, motorcycles do not offer this type of protection, and a cyclist can suffer serious bodily harm or wrongful death in an impact with another vehicle. Most of the time, motorcycle accidents are caused by driver negligence, and this negligence may include:
Speeding - People who drive above the speed limit are more likely to lose control of their vehicle or be unable to stop in time to avoid colliding with a motorcycle. Drivers who speed may also run red or yellow lights or stop signs, causing them to strike a motorcyclist who is traveling through the intersection legally.
Tailgating - Drivers who follow motorcycles too closely may cause rear-end collisions when the cyclist slows down or stops. This may push a motorcycle into an intersection or another lane of traffic, causing them to be struck by other vehicles and suffer serious injuries.
Illegal turns and lane changes - A driver may not check their blind spot when changing lanes, and they may sideswipe a motorcycle or force it off the road. If a driver makes an illegal turn in front of a motorcycle, the cyclist may not be able to avoid colliding with the vehicle.
Distracted driving - Drivers often take their eyes off the road and attempt to complete other tasks, and this may cause them to fail to notice the movements of motorcycles and be unable to avoid a collision. Common distractions include talking or texting on cell phones, eating, drinking, grooming, changing radio stations, reaching for objects in the vehicle, or conversing with passengers.
Drunk driving - Intoxication by alcohol or drugs can impair a person’s ability to drive safely, and their vision, coordination, reaction time, and judgment may be affected. A drunk driver may not notice motorcycles or be able to react in time to prevent a dangerous collision.
Contact Our Chicago Motorcycle Accident Lawyers
At Winters Salzetta O’Brien & Richardson, LLC, we can help you determine your options for receiving financial compensation for the injuries suffered in a motorcycle accident. We will help you gather the evidence to show that a negligent driver was at fault, and we will make sure you take the right steps to hold this driver responsible for your damages. Contact our Cook County personal injury attorneys today at 312-236-6324 to set up a free consultation.