What Can I Do If a Doctor Misdiagnosed My Breast Cancer Type?
Breast cancer appears in many different forms. Doctors who specialize in breast cancer treatment, such as radiologists and oncologists, must be able to correctly distinguish between the different types of breast cancer so a patient gets the necessary treatment. But when doctors do not order the appropriate diagnostic tools, a misdiagnosis may occur, leading to inadequate treatment or delayed treatment and serious injury or death. If you are worried that your doctor may have failed to diagnose or misdiagnosed you or a loved one with the wrong type of breast cancer, read on.
Common Types of Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is initially divided into two categories: Invasive and non-invasive. While non-invasive breast cancer is contained within the milk ducts and glands, invasive breast cancer has already spread beyond the ducts and glands into the surrounding fatty tissue, muscles, lymph nodes, and beyond.
Although there are many types of breast cancers, the two most common types of invasive breast cancers are:
Invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC) - Occurring in 80 percent of patients, IDC is by far the most common kind of breast cancer. IDC starts in the milk ducts and spreads out into nearby tissues. Left untreated, IDC can move into the lymph nodes and spread throughout other areas of the body.
Invasive lobular carcinoma (ILC) - About one in ten cases of breast cancer are ILC. ILC starts in the milk-producing glands (known as the “lobules”) and spreads to nearby tissue. Like IDC, if ILC is left untreated, it can spread into other parts of the body.
Breast Cancer Diagnostic Tools
Doctors are required to treat their patients according to a certain standard of care. This includes performing or ordering diagnostic tests or other procedures necessary to detect breast cancer and determine its type. These include, but are not limited to:
Breast exams
Breast ultrasounds
Blood tests
Bone scans
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Positron emission tomography (PET)
Computerized tomography (CT)
A failure to diagnose or a misdiagnosis does not necessarily indicate medical malpractice. Breast cancer is a complex medical issue and doctors must make the best decisions they can using the most up-to-date tools and relevant information. An experienced Illinois attorney can help you determine whether your doctor failed to provide an adequate standard of care.
Meet with a Cook County Breast Cancer Misdiagnosis Lawyer
Accurately diagnosing breast cancer is essential for timely treatment. The consequences of improper diagnoses can be serious and even fatal. If you believe your doctor wrongfully diagnosed you or a loved one with an incorrect type of breast cancer when he or she should have known better, you may be able to recover compensation. You can schedule a free, no-obligation consultation with a Chicago, IL breast cancer misdiagnosis lawyer with Winters Salzetta O'Brien & Richardson, LLC and learn more about the options you may have. Call our offices today at 312-236-6324.