What Do I Do if I Suspect a Birth Injury?
Pregnancy and childbirth are some of the happiest moments of many people’s lives. Dealing with a birth injury due to the negligence or recklessness of medical professionals, however, can turn what should be a happy moment into a tragedy. If you suspect that your child has suffered a birth injury, it is important to document everything and meet with an experienced Illinois birth injury attorney to discuss your legal options.
Signs of Common Birth Injuries
Birth injuries occur daily, and there are certain birth injuries that are more common today due to the way babies are delivered and a combination of medical error or negligence. Signs of common birth injuries after birth include the following:
Swelling or strange bruising on your infant
Seizures or other cognitive defects
Trouble with motor skills or poor coordination
Behavioral issues
Difficulties with feeding
Abnormal muscle tone
Doctors or medical staff who fail to assess a risky pregnancy or birth, those who fail to order proper tests or procedures, and negligence during the childbirth process can all contribute to birth injuries. It is important to be aware during the pregnancy and childbirth process and document all of your medical information just in case you suspect a birth injury has occurred to your child.
Pursuing a Birth Injury Claim
Pursuing a birth injury claim can be complex, as you will need to prove that the actions of medical staff, doctors, or the hospital directly led to the occurrence of a birth injury. This can be especially difficult due to some birth injuries taking several weeks or months after birth to show up. Further testing is often needed.
Make sure that you document all medical information, including journaling signs you have noticed in your infant and any treatment or testing you receive after birth. This will help create a record your lawyer can use to start investigating your case and advocating for you and your child to receive the compensation you deserve.
Contact a Chicago, IL Birth Injury Attorney
Birth injuries can be a tragedy. These injuries may leave infants with permanent, life-changing conditions, in addition to causing stress and trauma for parents. Medical expenses, ongoing treatment, and testing may be factors in a birth injury case that justify compensation.
If you suspect that your child has received a birth injury due to negligence or improper medical practices, reach out to the seasoned Chicago, IL birth injury lawyers at Winters Salzetta O'Brien & Richardson, LLC. Call 312-236-6324 for a free, compassionate consultation about your legal options.