Winters Salzetta O’Brien & Richardson Will Remain Open During This Uncertain Time
Dear friends and clients,
At Winters Salzetta O’Brien & Richardson, LLC, we are doing our part to slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus, while continuing to work tirelessly on your behalf. We anticipate being able to perform all of our job functions and duties that we owe to our clients and loved ones without any interruption. Our goal is to continue to work as normal, although our entire staff may not be in the office at the same time. We are hopeful that the virus will be contained and that we will all be back to our normal lives soon. In the meantime, when you call us, we will answer the phone and return your messages. When you email us, we will email you back. We encourage you to continue contacting us with your legal questions as you have in the past. Our face-to-face meetings with you may be curtailed for a time, but we will continue to work towards your goals. We will make sure that we maintain appropriate health standards so as not to infect or contaminate anyone unnecessarily. Please know that the various courts throughout Illinois and most of the country have announced measures to stem the spread of the virus in courthouses. Most of these initial steps involve 30 or 60 day partial shutdowns of courts. We continue to have access to the courts for emergent matters. We also continue to monitor the status of all jurisdictions in which we represent you and continue to monitor the court status of every single case that we handle for you. This temporary partial closure of courthouses will not stop Winters Salzetta O’Brien & Richardson from ensuring that everyone gets their day in court.
If you have a specific question about your case or any legal matter, please do not hesitate to contact us at 312-236-6324. Be safe and be happy.