$6.25 Million Settlement - Breast Cancer Misdiagnosis
Timothy M. Richardson And Daniel E. O'Brien Finalize Misdiagnosed Breast Cancer Settlement for $6,250,000
Cook County — January 3, 2022
Daniel E. O'Brien & Timothy Richardson finalized a $6,250,000.00 settlement in a case involving misdiagnosis of breast cancer. The plaintiff, a 48-year-old woman, received a mammogram in 2016, and while the radiologist identified an asymmetry, they concluded that the findings were normal. In 2017, the plaintiff experienced a number of severe symptoms, including abdominal pain and swelling and nausea, and after receiving emergency treatment, she was diagnosed with Stage IV breast cancer. The cancer had metastasized and spread to other parts of her body, including the intestines, lumbar spine, ovaries, and fallopian tubes. As a result, she received a hysterectomy and she required the implantation of stents in the urethra which need to be changed every four months. While she was able to receive chemotherapy and other forms of medication, her cancer will result in her death at some point in the future. If the cancer had been diagnosed correctly in 2016, it would likely have been at Stage III, and she would have been able to receive life-saving treatment and avoided the invasive procedures that were required once the cancer progressed to Stage IV. Because the plaintiff suffered harm due to the misdiagnosis of breast cancer, the radiologist agreed to pay her $1 million, and the hospital where the radiological tests were performed agreed to pay $5.25 million.