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Reports Show That Johnson & Johnson Baby Powder Contains Asbestos

 Posted on December 24,2018 in Dangerous Products

DuPage County product liability attorney baby powderIn the United States, we expect the products we use to be safe, but unfortunately, large corporations often put profits ahead of public safety, and unsafe or dangerous products are put on the market as a result. When people are injured by the negligence of product manufacturers, they deserve to be compensated for their damages. In some cases, injuries may even be caused by trusted brands that many people have relied on for decades. This was illustrated recently by reports that Johnson & Johnson Baby Powder has been found to contain asbestos.

J&J Knew That Baby Powder Danger Existed for Decades

Johnson & Johnson Baby Powder has been a popular product for over 100 years. However, when the talc used in this product is mined from various sources around the world, it can become contaminated by tremolite, a naturally-occurring form of asbestos. While J&J has claimed that its Baby Powder is safe to use and does not contain dangerous amounts of asbestos, recently-uncovered reports have shown that the company was aware that their products were contaminated and took steps to conceal this information from the public.

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Toxic Chemicals Continue to Put People in the Willowbrook Area at Risk

 Posted on December 14,2018 in Personal Injury

Willowbrook ethylene oxide injury attorneyIn recent months, residents of the Chicago suburbs have learned of a serious risk to the health of those who live and work in Willowbrook, Burr Ridge, and surrounding communities. A plant operated by Sterigenics International was found to be releasing dangerous amounts of ethylene oxide, a carcinogenic chemical, into the air, putting those who live and work in the area at risk of harm. Those who have been exposed to toxic substances should contact a personal injury attorney to determine their options for pursuing compensation for their injuries.

Testing Shows Continued Risk of Toxic Chemical Exposure

After the original report which raised the alarm of ethylene oxide exposure was released in August 2018, Sterigenics stated that in July 2018, they had put new measures in place in their plant to reduce ethylene oxide emissions. While this did not address the harm caused to people in the community during the decades the facility has been in operation, it was meant to ensure that the plant would not present a public safety risk going forward. However, recent tests have indicated that risks of toxic chemical exposure continue to exist near the facility.

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Recovering Compensation for Injuries Caused By Chicago Police Chases

 Posted on December 07,2018 in Car Accidents

Illinois police chase accident attorneyThe exciting high-speed police chases depicted in movies and TV shows may seem like a necessary risk that police officers must take in order to capture dangerous criminals. However, in reality, police chases often cause a great deal of harm to the public, and in many cases, they lead to dangerous car accidents in which innocent bystanders are seriously injured or even killed. If you or a member of your family have been injured in a collision caused by the negligence of a police officer, an experienced personal injury attorney can help you understand your options for pursuing compensation.

Police Chase Accident Statistics

A study conducted in 2015 by USA Today analyzed data reported by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and found that between 1979 and 2013, at least 5,066 bystanders or passengers were killed in police chases. During this period, 6,301 suspects and 139 police officers were also killed during pursuits. However, the actual number of fatalities is likely higher, since the NHTSA’s data is based on police reports, which sometimes do not disclose whether a motor vehicle collision occurred during a police chase.

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Surgical Errors Are Alarmingly Common in the United States

 Posted on November 30,2018 in Medical Malpractice

Cook County surgical error injury lawyerIn the United States, we have some of the best doctors and healthcare facilities in the world, and we expect to receive quality medical care when we need it. We place a great deal of trust in medical professionals, but unfortunately, these people are only human, and mistakes are often made that can lead to serious injuries, drastically affecting a person’s quality of life and a family’s finances.

While medical malpractice can take a variety of forms, surgical errors are one type of medical negligence that can be especially devastating. These errors are much more common than one would expect; in fact, studies have found that more than 4,000 preventable mistakes occur every year during surgical procedures across the U.S. 60% of these errors cause temporary injuries, 33% cause permanent harm, and nearly 7% of cases lead to the death of a patient.

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Falls Are the Leading Cause of Death in Construction Accidents

 Posted on November 19,2018 in Workplace Injuries

Will County construction accident attorneyEveryone expects and deserves to be safe while they are at work. Unfortunately, some occupations are more dangerous than others, and many workers accept some level of risk as part of their day to day job. Those who work in the construction industry are particularly in danger of being injured while on the job, with fall injuries being especially common and dangerous. Workers should be aware of the risks of construction site accidents and the steps they should take after being injured to ensure they receive the proper financial compensation.

Construction Site Fall Injury Prevention

Falls at construction sites often result in serious and fatal injuries for workers, and many of these accidents are preventable. According to data provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), falls accounted for 370 of 991 total construction accident deaths in 2016. These include falls from a roof, to a lower level, from a vehicle or construction equipment, or from ladders or scaffolding

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Common Types of Birth Injuries Caused By Medical Malpractice

 Posted on November 12,2018 in Medical Malpractice

DuPage County birth injury lawyer medical negligenceIn the United States, we have access to the best healthcare in the world. Sadly, even with this level of care, people are often injured due to medical negligence on the part of doctors, nurses, or hospital staff. Any type of medical malpractice injury can have long-lasting negative effects, but birth injuries are especially devastating, and they can have a huge emotional and financial impact on a family.  

Common Birth Injuries

If the medical personnel in a hospital do not take the proper steps before, during, and after a child’s delivery, serious harm can come to the infant or the mother. Some of the most common birth injuries that occur due to medical negligence include:

  • Hypoxia - An infant who suffers from a lack of oxygen during birth can experience serious injuries, including brain damage or organ failure. Hypoxia can occur if medical staff do not properly monitor fetal heart rate or fail to address issues such as a prolapsed umbilical cord or placental abruption.

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The Shocking Prevalence of Nursing Home Sexual Abuse

 Posted on November 05,2018 in Nursing Home Abuse/Neglect

DuPage County nursing home negligence attorneyWhen someone reaches an advanced age and is no longer able to care for themselves, a nursing home or assisted living facility is often the best solution for a family. These facilities ensure that our elderly or disabled loved ones receive the medical care they need, as well as providing them with the proper nutrition, physical exercise, and social interaction. However, patients in nursing homes are in a vulnerable position, and sadly, cases of nursing home abuse or neglect, including sexual abuse, are all too common. If you suspect that your family member has been sexually abused while in the care of a nursing facility, you should be sure to understand your legal options.

Elder Abuse Statistics

The elderly population in the United States has increased significantly in recent years, due to the Baby Boomer generation reaching retirement age. As the number of seniors increase, so does the prevalence of elder abuse. It is estimated that around five million seniors are abused each year, and 10% of all elders have experienced some form of abuse. Unfortunately, only one in every 14 cases of abuse are reported.

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The Harmful Effects of Ethylene Oxide Exposure for Willowbrook Residents

 Posted on October 26,2018 in Personal Injury

Cook County toxic chemical exposure lawyer ethylene oxideRecently, people throughout the greater Chicago area were stunned by the revelation that residents of Willowbrook had been exposed to toxic chemical emissions for decades. A report from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry stated that a plant operated by Sterigenics International had been releasing ethylene oxide into the surrounding community, potentially exposing tens of thousands of people to chemicals that can have serious health consequences.

Residents of Willowbrook and nearby suburbs such as Burr Ridge should be sure to understand the conditions that can result from ethylene oxide exposure. By working with a personal injury attorney, families may be able to pursue compensation that addresses the damages caused by this toxic substance.

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Breast Cancer Misdiagnosis Is a Major Risk for American Women

 Posted on October 19,2018 in Medical Malpractice

DuPage County misdiagnosis injury attorneyDuring the month of October, which is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, pink ribbons are a common sight as many people join in the effort to make the dangers of this disease known. Acitivists have spent decades working to increase awareness and encourage women to participate in regular screenings, and as a result, many lives have been saved. However, due to the unfortunate prevalence of misdiagnosis or delayed diagnosis, many families continue to suffer serious physical, emotional, and financial harm because of breast cancer.

Breast Cancer Statistics and Risks

Every year, more than 250,000 women in the United States contract breast cancer, and the disease results in around 40,000 deaths. More than three million people in the U.S. have a history of breast cancer, including those who are participating in or have completed treatment. While breast cancer is most common in women over the age of 50, it also affects many younger women, with around 10% of newly-diagnosed cases occurring in women under the age of 45.

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Toxic Chemical Exposure Causes Cancer Risk for Willowbrook Residents

 Posted on October 12,2018 in Personal Injury

Willowbrook ethylene oxide exposure attorneyIn the United States, we expect to be safe and free from harm as we go about our daily lives. While we may be aware of the risks we face in our daily activities and take steps to protect ourselves from personal injuries, there are times when we are put at risk due to the negligence of others without even being aware of the danger. This was illustrated recently when the news broke that residents of Willowbrook, Illinois have been exposed to toxic chemicals for years, putting them at increased risk of contracting cancer. 

Decades of Ethylene Oxide Emissions

In August 2018, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry released a report which raised the alarm that people in Willowbrook and nearby communities such as Burr Ridge have been exposed to ethylene oxide, a carcinogenic chemical. A plant operated by Sterigenics International, a company that sterilizes medical equipment, food products, and pharmaceutical drugs, was found to be emitting the toxic chemical, and the report concluded that people in the area have an elevated cancer risk and that the emissions constituted a public health hazard.

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